Pediatric and adult diagnostics and therapy provided at the UConn Speech and Hearing Clinic in the following areas:
- Developmental Language
- Receptive and Expressive Language – How well we understand what we read/hear and how well we use words to tell others what we’re thinking
- Speech – How we say sounds and put them together into words
- Social Language – How well we follow rules like turn taking when talking and how close we stand to someone
- Fluency – How well speech flows
- Feeding and Swallowing – How well we suck, chew, and swallow food and liquids
- Language and Literacy Development – How well we read and write
- Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) – supplement or compensation for impaired expressive language
- Voice, Voice Modification – How our voices sound including hoarseness, talking too loudly, through the nose, or safely modifying our voice to align with preferred pronouns
- Cognitive Communication – How well our minds work including things like memory, attention, problem solving, and organization
For more information, please contact us or call at (860)-486-2629
*information obtained from